Weekly Cypress Workshop - Fall '20 Edition

Weekly Cypress Workshop - Fall '20 Edition

The Weekly Cypress Workshop is back! I wrote about the journey here and I'm compiling all the details below. Up until the first session, I'll be updating this page as I iron out the last-minute details.


  • What: Weekly Cypress Workshop
    Beyond basic JavaScript, no prior knowledge is assumed
  • When: Wednesdays at 7pm
    Starts September 23rd, 2020
  • Where: Virtual
    Zoom link (Registration required)
  • Why: Back by popular demand (and because I love teaching)
    Read all about it here
  • How: RSVP here
  • How much: FREE!

A bit about Cypress...
Writing and maintaining tests is a necessity if you want confidence in your product when it ships, but it can be a frustrating experience. Cypress is a Javascript frontend test automation platform that will likely replace Selenium Webdriver as the de facto standard. It's free and open-source. It's not built on Selenium and architected with the vision of flake-free tests that are easy to write and maintain - whether you're a software developer wanting to write tests for your code or SDET/QA engineer looking to build a better suite of tests.

...and about the workshop
Most courses and tutorials just present features of Cypress with a few examples leaving it up to you to put what you learn into practice – where the real learning happens (amiright?). The Cypress Weekly Workshop is a hands-on learning experience. Participants are given an opportunity to apply what they learn to take-home challenges presented at the end of each meeting.
I designed it to be inclusive of anyone with a basic understanding of JavaScript and a desire to improve integration and end-to-end testing in their own JavaScript projects.

We're all learning
Even though I'm teaching, I'm here to learn, too. While you're learning about Cypress, I'm learning even more about how Cypress is used in the real world. The Cypress project on Github has 1K+ issues in part because of the unique scenarios in which Cypress is being implemented – er, manipulated. I'm also learning about how to provide a better learning experience. Your contributions of questions and feedback are welcomed and appreciated.


Who can join?
Anyone, really. As long as you have an internet connection and a desire to learn.

How do I join?
RSVP the Meetup event where you'll find the instructions on how to join.

What does it cost?
Nada. Zip. Zilch. Pro-bono. Gratis. Complimentary. On the house. OK, it's free.

Are there any prerequisites?
At minimum, you should have a basic understanding of JavaScript or Node.js.

What development hardware or software is required?
You need Git and Node.js (version 10 or higher) and a code editor installed on your development machine, which can be Windows, Mac or Linux. For all my demonstrations, I'll be using the development machine I use for my day job which is a MacBook Pro, with Node.js Version 12 and Visual Studio Code as my editor.

I have several team members in other parts of the world, would it be okay to invite them?

What if I can't make it? Will sessions be recorded?
No problem if you miss a session. You can go here to get all caught up!

Take-home challenges? That sounds too hard!
They're meant to be, well, challenging. That's how you learn, silly! The challenges have been designed to help you get the most out of the workshop, especially if you don't have the opportunity to apply what you're learning to your day job or your own personal project. If ever you're stumped, you can reach out to me or the community for help.

Why is this a weekly workshop?
Many workshops are done in a day or two. By providing you with a weekly workshop, you'll have the opportunity to take a week to solidify new concepts and put them into practice which I believe is more effective. If you don't use it, you lose it, so while a compressed format is sufficient to get you started, the more advanced concepts might not be applied in the real world until much later in your Cypress journey.

Image source: dominiopubliko via DeviantArt


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